I honor you, Veterans of the United States of America.
On this day, I stand tall in honor of these two men and all the other veterans of today and the yesterdays.
Thank you for marrying me and loving me so.
By His will we have been made holy through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrew 10:10
Jesus paid the ultimate price for our/my freedom. You offered Your Son as the Sacrifice to redeem Your children to You. I am and will be grateful forever, Abba Father. May I live as You have called me to live, Father God. Thank You for these men and women who have served and are currently serving this country. I pray that we do not forget them but honor them in this life for the honor with which most have served. I lift up those today who came back from war with scars on or in their bodies, minds, and souls. Protect and heal them, Father. I pray for the families of those fallen soldiers, the families of those who are yet in Iraq and Afghanistan and in other areas of this world which place them in harm’s way. I lift up our Coast Guard who are risking their lives to interdict the drug cartels coming out of Mexico. Oh, Father, there are so many concerns and I pray on my knees before You. Thank You for hearing my cries, seeing my tears. May we each turn to You and know that You are God and Father of all. Amen.
Flags photo: http://blog.mass.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Flags-Veterans.jpg
Arlington National Cemetery in the Fall: http://www.todayifoundout.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/arlington-national-cemetery.jpg
The others are my own photos.
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http://seespeakhearmama.com/ Give Me Grace
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Filed under: Devotionals, God's Word, Pondering Tagged: glorify, God, gratitude, praise, The Word, Veterans Day